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From the early days of FAST, the agility and strategic innovation that are hallmarks of startups and niche content companies have been critical to success in the FAST world. As the 独立流媒体联盟(ISA) 加强了对利基FAST提供商的宣传,首席执行官埃文·夏皮罗, ESHAPCameron Saless,首席商务官 Trusted Media Brands, and Chris Knight, President & CEO, Gusto Worldwide Media, discuss how the FAST market began and has matured around nimble startups in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.

夏皮罗提到,他最近与萨利斯讨论了ISA的组建问题, “Which I think to a certain extent is about creating a collective strength amongst the independent and more niche-oriented streamers,” he says. “Something that I found interesting as I was looking into the formulation of the organization was that you all were the first to get to be on the FAST platforms. You were there early; you were helped to invent the platform for the most part.” He notes that in the US, as in Europe, smaller companies that are nimbler and more innovative have more leverage to take risks. He asks Saless to discuss further the ISA and why he thinks the niche players played a groundbreaking role in the streaming ecosystem.

Saless mentions that he and the others on the panel have been living “parallel lives” for a long time, 而且由于媒体行业的性质, innovation is key to success. He says he used to work for Jukin Media. 他说:“在早期,我们的业务是从社交开始的. “我们在社交媒体上获取和策划内容. The reach you could get on Facebook and YouTube was incredible. 你可以相对较快地建立一个品牌. 这次订婚非常成功. And, of course, then, like normal, some challenges come with platforms as they grow. 所以,随着时间的推移,你开始寻找新的地方. 我们的策略之一就是把我们的内容, 它们可以生活在不同的地方, and try to test it out.”

萨利斯提到了FAST的早期. “I think it was 2014 or 2015. We had folks like Pluto and Xumo coming to us saying they were going to launch something like this,” he says. “说实话,我很怀疑,只是因为我们拥有的内容类型. 发射这些东西并不容易.他讲述了自己对Xumo的早期演示感到多么惊讶. “他们打算推出25个频道. We were one of 25. 我给他们提供了一些简短的内容,结果我们的业绩不佳。. “我认为我们在25个频道中排名第二. 所以,对我来说,这是一种信号. 如果你快进到今天,我们有一个50-60人的专门团队. We are building programming, specifically long-form programming for FAST channels. 我们已经建立了一个完整的团队来销售和货币化这些内容. 我认为ISA背后的意义在于我们很多人, 虽然我们一直是早到的受益者, moving quickly, 提前投资, 大家都开始看到未来的挑战了吗. 我们都深信这个生态系统. We see huge opportunities, 但我们已经开始向那些可能没有看到的人强调这一点, [saying], ‘Look, 这里有一些问题, 我们认为这个小组至少可以帮助开启对话.’”

他进一步阐述了ISA的具体内容. 他表示:“我认为,ISA是10至15家独立公司的集合。. “We're going to be adding a lot more to that list, but we're all trying to tackle different things. 我们主要关注四个方面. 我们关注的是围绕分销的分销挑战. It's a lot of platforms now. 我们应该谈谈《发现. For example, we're looking at demand and how media is sold, bought, and distributed. We're looking at measurements, a huge issue for advertisers, platforms, and programmers alike. We're looking at diversity because we represent a lot of underrepresented audiences. It's early days. 我们非常看好FAST领域, but we realize the [for the] next layer of growth we will have to solve some of these problems to really unleash the big opportunities in front of us.”

Shapiro tells Knight, “I think part of what the ISA wants to do is create some leverage for the smaller players. But pushing innovation through the ecosystem is a big part of the initiative you're trying to create here, correct?”

“True that,” Knight says. 不仅在我们的业务和媒体业务中,实际上在每个行业都是如此. 小公司灵活,小公司创新. Large companies pay dividends. 他们的DNA里没有冒险的成分. 当我们最初在加拿大发射时, 我们是有线和卫星付费电视频道. I had to lease time on somebody else's master control system because it was prohibitively expensive for me to build my own for one channel in one country. We now have multiple channels and multiple languages going to 162 countries on over 40 platforms. If you had told me ten years ago that Gusto would be on in as many countries as it is, I would've said, ‘Put your drink down. You've had enough.到目前为止,这是一段疯狂的旅程. I remember talking to the Pluto guys when they were working out of shared office space over a bodega in Manhattan before they actually got to have an office. So that's been tremendous. But as Cameron [Saless] says, it's time to take a look at where the whole thing is going and put some best practices in place.”

Watch full sessions 来自流媒体连接2023年11月. 我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. More details here.

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